Welle 1 Graz
Welle 1 Graz
Anderer Sender / Austria
Chill-Out, Dance, Pop
Radio Hero 99
Reggae, ,
Noize Bazooka
Metal, Rock,
Misc, Music,
Drava Radio
, ,
KroneHit Total Versext
National, ,
Antenne Vorarlberg Musica Italiana
Hits, ,
Jugoton Hit Radio
Jazz, ,
JazzNet247 Radio Europe
Christmas, ,
Kronehit Christmas
Local Music, News,
Radio Afrika
Local Music, ,
Kitt Radio
Oldies, Schlager,
Radio Arabella Schlager
Misc, Music,
Drava Radio
Chill-Out, Hits,
Life Radio Chill Out Hits
Hits, ,
Lounge, Pop, Rock
GoodMusic Radio
Reggae, ,
Satica FM
Lounge, ,
Lounge FM UKW Wien
Relaxing Music, ,
Radio Austria – Best of Relax
, ,
Volksmusik Pur
Classic, Oldies,
Radio Melodie
Dance, Pop, R&B
Radio FM AT
Hits, ,
Radio Unsko Sanski Kanton
Music, Talk,
Oneluv Radio
Country, ,
Kronehit Vollgas
Rap, Urban,
Fat Boy Radio
Dance, House, Rock
FlameFM Dance
Blues, Metal, Rock
Insane Rock Station
, ,
ERF Plus Osterreich
Electric, ,
KroneHit Electric
Hits, Pop, Top 40
See Stadt Radio
Hits, Music,
ExYu Muzika
Music, ,
Dubbase FM
Culture, Music,
Schlager Pur
Rock, ,
Austrian Rock Radio
Music, News,
Radio Wien
House, Techno,
Krennerland Radio
Schlager, ,
Antenne Vorarlberg Schlagerkult
Jazz, ,
Radio Technikum Smooth Jazz
80s, ,
Radio Austria – Best of 80s
Alternative Rock, Culture, News
Radio Fabrik
Music, Information, National
ORF - Radio Steiermark
Folk, ,
Radio Upoznavanje
Pop, Top 40,
Das Live Radio
2010s, Dance, Indie
Antenne Vorarlberg 2010er Hits
Pop, Top 40,
Radio Technikum ONE
Music, ,
Radio 88.6 Noe BGLD
Local Music, ,
Radio Osttirol
Folk, Schlager, National
Radio VM1
80s, Hits,
Antenne 80er Pop
Music, ,
Moj Radio Austria
Music, Variety, National
Antenne Vorarlberg
Hits, ,
Bitter Sweet Music AT
Variety, Schlager, National
ORF - Radio Vorarlberg
80s, 90s, Adult Contemporary
Antenne Vorarlberg Nonstop
Rap, ,
Ambient, Chill-Out, Downtempo
Soundstorm Relax Radio
Electronic, House,
KroneHit BigCityBeats
Folk, ,
Radio Volksmusik
Folk, Hits,
Blasmusik Pur